Friday, July 30, 2010

“I still find each day too short…

for all the thoughts I want to think,
all the walks I want to take,
all the books I want to read,
and all the friends I want to see.
The longer I live,
the more my mind dwells upon
the beauty and the wonder of the world.
- John Burroughs”

you know that feeling you get when you're finally rested. that feeling that despite it being 2 in the morning, you're still just, anxious. finally, time is not your biggest enemy and you can have that much desired upper-hand. no longer do you find yourself succumbing to heavy lids and constant yawning. you are the victor, and winning does feel real nice sometimes. it's like taking a breathe and realizing you've been holding your breathe for far too long, stretching yourself far too wide. but now-- now you're you again and you're giddy? yes, I did say giddy. perhaps had I not indulged in so much scrabble the past two nights, I wouldn't be searching for more vocab words. (note to self: go over those index cards of words I made for the SAT and never even looked at). anyways, I cannot describe myself right now expect to say I'm ready for what's to come, ready for anything and everything. refreshed. equal parts content in my overwhelmingly peaceful spirit and squirmy with ants in my pants just waiting for tomorrow to begin. at this rate, I may still be sitting here when the sun rises. but hey, watching the sunrise over the ocean wouldn't be too bad, so maybe I will stay here awhile…

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