Friday, August 6, 2010

everything about me I seem to just blurt right out, as I’m sure some of you have picked up on here. I like to call it my tendency to have word-vomit. sorry for the lack of a euphemism, but I feel its the only appropriate description.

Laura Feder and I have taken to a common realization that, Pinehurst girls have no filters--or at least thats what we’re known for at school. both she and I will say pretty much anything and everything that comes to mind, oftentimes at every inappropriate time.


I sometimes wish I had some deep hidden part of me, some complicated, maybe even dark, secrets that shouldn’t be shared. or maybe just some happiness I withhold for only myself.

something that maybe down the road ten years, when I’m married (gosh, I hope by then), I will finally find the courage to tell him whats been building inside me.

but then I think, I’ve been blessed and am abundantly happy. so why not share that happiness?

and I guess a large part of it is that I just like to talk and be heard---not because I think what I have to say is more important, but more a lack of lip-control.

so unfortunately when I’m asked my biggest secret, I’m slightly embarrassed to say--


and for now, I think I’m okay with that.

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