Thursday, September 20, 2012


yesterday felt like one big walk down memory lane. I was indeed on a very long walk, which has become one of my favorite past times since I’ve moved to france. which is good because europeans tend to walk everywhere, and quite quickly as well, even when they aren’t in their workout clothes. (disclaimer: europeans rarely wear athletic clothes so I stick out like an american all the time because let’s be real, I sweat too much to play that game). 

I am fortunate to have a few quiet hours to myself at different times during the day. I find myself constantly reaching for my tennis shoes to go explore my sweet little paris suburb as much as possible, especially with the weather being as fantastic as it’s been. everything around me is very european, with overflowing roses and vines hanging over colorfully painted gates. every street is gorgeous with mixes of cobblestones and bricks and this time alone is something I look forward to each day. I have fallen flat on my face multiple times already because I can’t stop looking around me and I’m beginning to wonder if the homeowners think I’m a stalker because I can’t stop taking pictures of their homes. 

for a while I would wind up and down random streets staying close to where I could easily get back, but lately I have wanted to see more and stumbled upon the meudon observatory (top picture). it is stunning with two big fields and three rows of trees. better yet, it has a breathtaking view that overlooks paris, so I make a point to walk through there at least once during my walk. 

I have a favorite route to get to there. down the big hill, take your first right and go around many bends in the road, sharp left on a hidden side street, and through a skinny passageway that I thought was a secret until I almost got squashed by an 8 year old on his scooter today. I have come to look for the silver land cruiser that’s for sale, the painted postman on the wall, and hope to see the big black lab playing in the yard. I have become fond of particular houses and have chosen a few that would almost be worth me permanently residing in france because they are so stinking cute. 

it was yesterday on this familiar path that made me think about the countless walks I’d been on with friends and family and how special each of them were to me. I know it’s a simple concept, but so many good conversations tend to happen on walks and it’s something I do miss having with all you at home.  so know I’m thinking of you every day and wishing you could see all that I get to enjoy each day. hopefully you can come visit and you can get to see more than just glimpses of my beautiful life here. so be sure to pack your walking shoes. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love catching up on your blog and your adventures! Soak it up!! Enjoy everyday of this amazing adventure. We love and miss you!
