look at these images and you will fall in love with this girl. blair eadie, or bee as she calls herself online, is a fashion merchandiser and blogger living in sanfrancisco, ca. I stumbled across her blog recently but hadn’t taken the time to go through her archive until today. it’s funny to look at the progression of outfits over the span of over a year and how much your style changes. I can also see a great photographic progression of her boyfriend, andrew, who takes her pictures. looking at her I already feel like we could be great friends. she clearly loves prints and colors. she loves adapting dresses into tops or skirts. she shows her personality through her mixing of classics with fun things like sequins. and she loves to paint her nails all sorts of colors--how fun! not to mention she is absolutely stunning despite her awesome wardrobe. her most signature thing seems to be her fondness of accessorizing... something I could use some pointers on. check her out at atlantic-pacific!

images via atlanticpacific
Thank you so much for the feature!! Love it- so flattering :)