Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"free at last, free at last. thank god almighty I’m free at last.” (I’m pretty sure this is a slavery quote so maybe not entirely appropriate, but we must’ve said it in a play in childhood because all day today I keep saying it...)
I haven’t had the best past three weeks and certainly haven’t been in the best of moods. I feel like I’ve been all too consumed with school, and while yes that is the reason I’m here, I find myself being frustrated by not being able to incorporate the parts of my life that make me happy. so I am very thankful to have finished work for a while and do things like read march magazines, enjoy the beautiful weather, read books for fun, take advantage of my camera, and waste endless hours online. I’m also thankful for some time to do things I’ve been putting off for months like organization and sweeping floors.

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