being an au pair breaks every social norm you are used to. you are living in a families house with them, while using all of their towels, sheets, furniture, etc. the family who you live with happen to be your boss but are also your short-term parents, and because you are kind of close in age, they are also your friends. so while one minute you can be having inappropriate banter, the next you have to delve into money conversations.
I’ve been helping my family look for another au pair for a while now. it’s not been an easy process since there are so many males with long hair that you have to sort through to find the good ones (something we have found a lot of humor in). I’ve been in the room during multiple interviews, some of which marie and I have made eyes at one another because they are so painfully awkward and though it’s been hard at times, it’s been better this way. they haven’t hidden the reality of the situation is that I’m leaving in july and that they will need a replacement.
seeing the girls goggle over their new babysitters initially sent me into a jealous storm. to mimick emile’s new favorite phrase, c’est moi!!!! is how I feel regarding the whole situation. they are my family. mine first! I don’t want to be replaced. I was upset that they weren’t devastated that I was leaving and though the girls don’t completely comprehend I won’t be around anymore, they’ve reassured me in their own ways that I will be missed. lucy and josephine talk about me coming back for their birthday parties, their summer at the beach and to help lucy raise the dog she hopes to one day get. I’ve got a wishful heart about keeping in touch as well so perhaps we’ll start writing letters. and I’ve decided to rock out as a babysitter the next two months.
wednesday was one of those perfect days with my family. I’ve been a bit preoccupied with vacation and visitors and oftentimes the weather is so nice in the evening that I am out on runs during dinner. and though I still have a lot of interaction with the kids, I realized how much I’ve missed time with everyone together- particularly chris and marie. they are hilarious!
the morning started early with emile and I reading books while the girls slept in. which is rare because these days I can barely get him to stand in the same room with me without wanting to hit me. the girls and I rollerbladed all morning in the sunshine and planted a new garden after lunch.
chris and I had a meeting with the people from the mack truck that hit me tuesday, and while I typically black out when I hear people speaking french, I was literally seeing white spots and almost passed out in my chair because I hate face-to-face confrontation. thankfully it was settled in my favor and I won’t have to be paying for the bumper being ripped off. but I felt so bad that I was close to tears afterwards in the kitchen with marie hoping that it doesn’t poorly effect the other man.
chris then made lots of jokes about how he hoped I was bragging to claire (the new au pair they really wanted who was asking me questions via email) about how great my living accommodations were--with the mold and all. which led into me confessing that I broke my desk chair a few months ago and just didn’t know how to tell them. (which we were dying laughing even more about because I break everything in the house and haven’t quite learned how to maintain a house but I’m learning!)
during dinner they were sweet and asked me all sorts of questions, mostly pertaining to my future, and it led to me talking about my new rug, going upstairs and getting it and having the entire table smell how good it smells. they were super excited for me and supportive and didn’t nix the idea that I might be back for a round 2 if I miss paris too much. the girls hugged and loved on me throughout the whole thing and I had to fight back tears as we did our nightly bisous. and as we did the dishes I imitated my aretha franklin respect video in the kitchen, dance moves and all.
walking down the hill to go into the city that night, with the prettiest of sunsets shining through the trees, I was giddy with how happy I was. I have been blessed with such a warm, loving family and I’m so thankful for them. they accepted claire this morning, which as an answered prayer, and I’m so glad that I can be excited for them as well.
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