Wednesday, February 24, 2010

september 26, 2009. it's gameday in athens...

before this school year I had written down ideas for game day outfits for the year. you can go ahead and call me lame but georgia has a reputation to uphold: dress as though going to a cocktail. red and black are not my colors, but I have come to love this routine of waking up early on saturdays to primp to go stand outside and sweat all day. the fall semester is a whole other world. the ironic part in all this is that my favorite outfit I've ever worn was the day I wore a trashbag. well, two actually. one was more a skirt and needed for the length and the other was to be worn more like an actual poncho. and no, this, I had not previously planned. brad actually suggested it for me as a means for surviving the day. sweet boy, lifesaver for sure. this was for the arizona state game. I have never before experienced rain like that. each drop was literally like getting hit with a water balloon. and it wasn't some short-lived thing, it was all day and even during the game. everything was chaotic and everything was a bit of a frantic blurr but I have never had that much fun at a game. for four hours we stood in the stadium in water up to our knees. but it was the best feeling ever. because that's what real fans do. they realize life is more enjoyable when you wear black trashbags as a dress and exist as one huge mess.

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