Friday, February 26, 2010

mine did not blow bubbles.

for my seventeenth birthday I got a bike. mind you, I didn't ask for a bike for my birthday and was a little shocked to get it. so being the bratty christina that I am, at the end of the night I said to my parents..."was a bike my only present? but I didn't even want a bike." unfortunately, it was and I regret to say I complained about this for many months thereafter. don't get me wrong, its a great bike-- great colors, great seat comfort, great skinny tires to go fast. but when you don't want something, its hard to talk yourself into loving it.
the reason for the gift had good intentions. my dad wanted to spend more time together riding bikes, because that's what one thing he loves to do. how can you be angry for a gift when it has that much sweet heartfelt love behind it? a few mornings before school, he succeeded in dragging my grumpy body out of bed to ride in our own little, tour de moore (said in his french accent.) we would do a loop around ccnc, me sluggishly peddling behind him, following his bald head and chicken legs. this was a pretty rare occurence but the few times were really exhilirating.
The laughter I have found in getting a bike has been hilarious to katie and I but today I was thinking-- sometimes life is all about just getting out there, doing something you have absolutely no desire to do. and finding yourself surprised by how much you end up loving it. so mom and dad, thank you for that bike. thank you for taking it upon yourself to go beyond anything I'd asked for and surprise me. but how about for my 20th birthday, we think more along the lines of a car. black 2008 4-runner maybe... I hear they are pretty nice. and I can act surprised if that would help?

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